Woods Hole Welcomes White Winter on Cape Cod
On Friday, we woke to a rare phenomena, snow in Woods Hole. In our third winter of pandemic, the blanket of white brought a welcome respite to covid news. With low winds and even lower temperatures, the muffled whiteness everywhere was a delight to the senses. Please enjoy our photo essay of snow in Woods Hole, January 7th, 2022.

Grey on grey in the dim stormy light with snow coverage of about seven inches.

Visibility was reduced in the early morning, but the gulls kept circling.

A whole new meaning to our “white sand” beaches.

Cape Cod’s seagulls hovered at the shore line for breakfast as usual.

Local plows worked hard all morning to clear icy roads.

In the diffused fog, gray seaside cottages seem to melt into the sea itself.

Local photographers were thrilled to capture Nobska Light’s wonderland beauty in snow.
Blue skies peeked through by late afternoon, just in time for an epic snowday sunset
Snow fills a collection of dinghies on Eel Pond, dreaming of summer days to come.

An evening stroll with the dogs set to the Cape light at the end of our snowday.
As the sun set on the horizon, all remained peaceful and calm from snowy Woods Hole.
Rachel Carson sits by the waterfront contemplating her love of science and Woods Hole in any weather. We look forward to your visit to the Woods Hole Inn soon. Click HERE to read more about things to do in Woods Hole this Winter!