Walking around Woods Hole
From Guest Blogger Gwen Martin:
Looking for something to do in Woods Hole? When in doubt, take a walk. I personally love walking anywhere, but walking around Woods Hole is especially rewarding.
Walk Around Eel Pond: The classic Woods Hole walk is “around the pond.” Start off where ever you can see Eel Pond (an inlet harbor and marina). I prefer heading down Water St. from the Woods Hole Inn to Ocean Park for a pause to check out the boats and ferries passing through “the Hole” (aka Woods Hole Passage).
Continue down MBL St. to the walkway in front of the modernist Swope Building checking out the array of summer boats filling Eel Pond. Bear right up Millfield St. and stop by the garden at the Bell Tower in front of St. Joseph’s Church. At the top of Millfield take a right on School St., back to the village center. The view of the Pond at the causeway makes a spectacular place to pause and take in the view. The circumnavigation is about a mile, a perfect way to start or end your day, especially when topped off with iced coffee or ice cream at one of several Woods Hole eateries. You’ve earned it!
Discover Nobska Lighthouse: The secret walk up the bike path to Church St. disproves the thought that Nobska Light House is only accessible by car. For those with a sense of adventure (and good walking shoes), start at the Steamship Authority Parking lot and make your way up the bike path past scenic Little Harbor on your right. Immediately after you go under a large overpass, look for a steep dirt path going up the hill to your right. Once on Church St, head left past gorgeous, older estates. Just around the corner, you’ll be greeted by Nobska Light and a great view of Vineyard Sound. Perfect spot for a selfie and a swim on Nobska Beach.
Explore Penzance Point: Want to have major house-envy? Stroll out to nearby Penzance Point — one of the most exclusive real estate spots in the world. Penzance Point is the final tip of the peninsula that is Woods Hole with water on both sides much of the entire walk. From the Inn, head to the end of Water Street, turn right onto Albatross. Take your first left onto Bar Neck Road. There is a guard house at the beginning of the road but walkers are welcome during daylight hours. Round trip from the Woods Hole Inn to the end of Penzance Point and back is about three miles.
Wherever you chose to take a stroll around Woods Hole, I guarantee that it will be great. What’s not refreshing about ocean views, lapping waves, magical garden vistas and fragrant sea air?