First Winter Storm of 2017
Everybody loves a Cape Cod winter storm, especially when it arrives on a Saturday. The storm season began in style this weekend as “Helena” rolled over, dumping at least a foot of crunchy, white snow.
As the Nor’Easter started, we spied a row boat drifting around Eel Pond, a paddle here, another paddle there, the rower just watching at the world. Mesmerizing, peaceful and brave.
There was no street noise, the hush of drifts against the front door as we shared a hot cup of black tea with milk and sugar in the warmth of the house. Our fingers were crossed that the power might remain on (it did!) but we were ready either way with flashlights and generator.
In the morning, we woke early to dig out. The north-easterly storm wind cleared out the driveway but packed drifts up against the front steps of the Woods Hole Inn. Everything looked different with the frosting of ice — like a whole new world to appreciate.
Looking up Water Street from the drawbridge, the world glinting in the morning light, streets still snowy from the overnight cold.
Over by Shuckers Raw Bar, we marveled at hulking, mysterious forms hidden under mounds of snow.
Near the Marine Biological Lab parking lot, several skiffs bobbed in the water, now rendered into floating tubs of sculpted ice. On School Street, the Children’s School of Science was lit as if for a movie moment.
It was a wonderful day to walk around the village of Woods Hole just after the first Cape Cod storm of winter 2017. If you enjoy our photo essays, please consider following us on Facebook where we post regularly to keep you up to date on life at our Cape Cod bed and breakfast. @WoodsHoleInn