A Woods Hole Farewell

I have had the tremendous opportunity to adventure around Cape Cod all summer, while living in the quaint village of Woods Hole as the summer intern at the Woods Hole Inn. What a treat!
I came from a small town in Vermont, so upon arrival in early May, I felt instantly at home here. I am captivated by the ocean, and aspire to live near the water when I settle down someday. I have been spoiled, living right here overlooking Vineyard Sound with Buzzards Bay around the corner.
Leaving this all behind will be very difficult. Not only am I going to miss the epic sunsets at the Knob, my lunch breaks swimming over at Stoney Beach, or my late night bites at Pie in the Sky, but the people within this town have also imprinted on me. My days here were nothing but beautiful skies and smiling faces.
The summer months in Woods Hole are always busy — bustling with vacationers, summer visitors, locals, and of course all the science residents. I loved gazing out my kitchen window on the top floor of the Woods Hole Inn, imagining the stories of each pedestrian below. I saw families with wild children running down the sidewalk for ice cream. I saw local teens staring at their phones, giggling and sharing videos. I saw sweet couples walking hand in hand maybe on their anniversary, or a vacations away from the kids.
Perhaps the best summer development was my new road biking hobby, with a sweet bike lent to my by my cousin for my blogging adventures. I biked to almost every Falmouth beach, and explored most of Martha’s Vineyard too. Man was that fun!
I am going to miss this little town and all the Woods Hole Inn staff. Cape Cod was a great adventure, and as I head back over to Germany this October on my next adventure, I will be bringing a little piece of Woods Hole with me…
A Woods Hole cap of course!
I hope you have enjoyed my take on the Cape. This is not good bye, this is a see you later!