Our Sea Cow Story
A cow in Woods Hole?! This cow is painted beautifully by Barnstable local artist Ted Skirvan in memory of his late father-in-law, Paul Gilson, who lost his battle with cancer in May of 2022. The cow “Udder Depths” is made of fiberglass and was part of the New England Cow parade which is in support of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute/ Jimmy Fund. This is close to our hearts in the support of owners Beth Colt and P.K. Simonds’ sister-in-law Sarah Werkman, who sadly lost her battle with pancreatic cancer with an incredible team at Dana Farber by her side.

On the cool morning of November 4th, 2023, our community gathered to welcome Udder Depth to Woods Hole with a ribbon ceremony. Artist Ted Skirvan (pictured below on the left) stated, “I couldn’t imagine the cow being in a better home”. He designed the cow with Cape Cod in mind and was delighted for the Woods Hole Inn to be her permanent home. Falmouth Chamber of Commerce Vice Chair, Karen Rinaldo and Director, Betsy West were also present at this ceremony. We are grateful for the warm welcome that this cow has received from our community.

You are welcome to stop by the inn to check out the majestic life-size cow in the back patio area where she lives amongst the flower garden and gorgeous views of Woods Hole Harbor. You may also read more about the cow in the recent feature in The Enterprise HERE.