Cider Press in Woods Hole

The invitation comes in your mailbox, hand written with neighborly love. A simple message — join us on Saturday afternoon for the annual Woods Hole cider press. Bring your own apples, but only if they are free. The Saturday in question dawns unseasonable warm, so you stroll over to this casual gathering on the lawn near the Woods Hole Oceanographic Challenger House.
Safe to say, le tout Woods Hole is in attendance. Dad’s with baby’s strapped on, kids of all ages chasing a sugar high, grandparents struggling with the old wooden press and shoveling apple remnants into a well worn Garden Way cart. Even a few guests of the Woods Hole Inn, welcomed like old family friends with fresh pressed cider with maybe a nip of good bourbon.
Long afternoon shadows and views out over Little Harbor with Martha’s Vineyard island shimmering in the distance. A nice breeze coming in from the southwest. A few of the old salts talking about how it would have been a good day for a knockabout race, but who knew it would remain this warm so long this year? Still in shirtsleeves.
An endless supply of fresh pressed cider is passed around and the sweets table is laden with home made goodies as well as a box or two of Dunkin Donuts. No one wants to show up to the Cider Press empty handed. Don’t miss Jenny’s apple spice cake — it’s the bomb, says her friend.
Time to walk home, sugar buzzed and happy. What a great community is drawn to the surrounding natural beauty of Woods Hole. What fun at the end of a busy summer to reconnect at an authentic local cider press. Feeling pretty lucky to live in Woods Hole Cape Cod on a day like today.