Room 7 After Photos – a Cape Cod renovation story
After nearly three months of renovations, room seven at the Woods Hole Inn is complete! With new floors, new windows, beautiful marble tiles, a glass rain shower, and built-in air conditioning — it now stands refreshed and polished, and ready for a busy summer! Scroll down to see some “after” photos. To see the “before” photos on this Cape Cod renovation, click here.
Prior to this Cape Cod renovation, Room Seven at the Woods Hole Inn was a bit creaky, with funky old hardwood floors, windows that were hard to open and a bathroom with pink tiles that dated to the 1950’s. This queen room deserved a new floorplan, new hardwood floors, new insulated walls and (drumroll please…) a built in air conditioning system. And best of all, a brand spanking new bath with marble glass shower with the rain style shower head for complete relaxation and immersion in the shower.
The new room is still sunny and bright, but now has our signature hardwood head board with with linen curtains, matching bedside tables from a furniture dealer we love in Kingston MA called Dovetails, and vintage flower prints that we stumbled upon while shopping the vibrant New Bedford antiques scene.
Fresh flowers make any room sparkle, and no Cape Cod renovation is complete without them!
Jute rugs soften the hardwood floors, and vintage furniture upholstered with our favorite teals and beige modernist prints. Visit us in Woods Hole, and experience this vintage restored Cape Cod renovation first hand.