Saved A Life Yesterday
We work really hard to keep it fun behind the scenes at the Woods Hole Inn, enjoying each others company, sharing a laugh or two, supporting each other to make sure we deliver the best possible guest experience. But yesterday, teamwork moved to a whole new level.
Kaylee saved Dan’s life. Literally.
At the Woods Hole Inn, Dan Doughty does a little bit of everything. If the sidewalk needs shoveling after a big snow, if a room could use a new coat of paint, if a door handle breaks, if an air conditioner starts to rattle — Dan gets things back in order, stat. In an old building like ours, there is always something for Dan, and we are forever grateful for his expertise and good spirit keeping us ship shape.
Kayle Costa works at the front desk, checking guests in, making reservations and answering all your questions. She is warm, knowledgeable and wonderfully competent. We are so lucky that our small business continues to attract star players like Kaylee.
So what happened?? OK, yesterday Dan and Kaylee were alone at the inn. Kaylee told Dan to take a candy from the Halloween jar, joking that she did not want to eat the bowl herself. Dan chose a Three Musketeers Bar and as the warm sugary chocolate started to melt, it slipped down his throat in an odd way. He laughed, everything was fine, it was just a small one, a mini bar. But the chocolate only seemed to lodge further. Now he started to cough. “You OK?” said Kaylee. He spit what remained out, but he could not clear his airway, wheezing, gasping, no air coming in or out. “Oh my God,” said Kaylee, seeing his eyes start to bulge. “Do you need the Heimlich?” Yes, he nodded, yes, NOW.
Several frantic attempts ensued before the chocolate popped out like a cork. It turns out in addition to Kaylee’s other great qualities, she took CPR rescue in high school. Wow, thank goodness she was there as the world is definitely a better place with Dan still in it.
We back each other up, everyday, 24/7. Most days that means sharing hot water for tea, covering someone’s shift, grabbing a broom when housekeeping is short staffed, or a shovel when the snow falls too fast, or the phone when it rings off the hook. In a pinch, we all pitch in.
Yesterday, Kaylee went a giant step beyond that level of team work and saved a life. WOW! Thank you, Kaylee. I know Dan thanks you, but we all do, as you exemplify calm in the storm and great team work.
We are so lucky to work together.